4. Hinduism
Hinduism is the religion of much of India, as well of course as Bali, where you have very probably been, and it is also popular in Fiji. It might be the most complicated religion, with a myriad of gods, demons and rites; and it affirms the existence of karma and reincarnation, like Buddhism. While there are many, many different forms, eating beef is no-no amongst all of them. Lamb, pigs, and other land mammals though, are open season. There is no real ‘wrong god’ for Hindus, making it seem like a more agreeable, less commandeering faith. Yoga is becoming more popular than Jesus and Shiva put together these days, and is known to be good for your surfing. Hindus suffer none of the big sexual hang- ups of other faiths, and encourage karma sutra, which is kind of a mix of yoga and very slow sex. Not great if you’re in a hurry for low tide, but ideal on warm flat days when the wind has come up.
Appeasing the Balinese gods with offerings certainly seems to pay off for Kelly.