Victor Ribas in happier times. Photo: Celso Pereira
Photo: ASP
Photo: LeRoy Grannis
Photo: Shawn Parkin
The strange case of Victor Ribas. Perhaps you’re unfamiliar with the name, or have all but forgotten about the usually mild-mannered Brazilian since he dropped off the tour in the early 2000s. But Victor Ribas deserves to be remembered, and not just because he finished 3rd in the world in 1999. The following year at a contest in the Maldives, the judges penalised him with an interference call he felt was unwarranted, whereupon he paddled backed to shore, made his way up to the judges’ tower, and threw a handful of coral rocks at them. An innocent photographer standing nearby was injured in the crossfire — I exaggerate; the judges, disappointingly, threw nothing in return — and Ribas was fined and suspended.
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