Bayview. Photo: Josh Rowe
“Bayview, about an hour out of Cape Town along the eastern cape… it’s probably the sharkiest spot on the planet! A load of people go to shark cage dive there… On top of that, you have to jump off the rocks to get to it so once you’re in the water there’s no getting out easily. It’s a right-hand slab, not necessarily that big but really powerful and nasty…”
Your typical Sunset line-up, clean and a well defined peak, the complete opposite to Dungeons sat on the other side of the bay. Photo: Ant Fox
“Sunset (at Cape Town not the North Shore), a perfect peak close to Dungeons but the complete opposite… the line-up here is really well defined, with lots of algae in the water at the end of the wave and a drop that’s quite steep but not quite as challenging as Mavericks. It’s a really beautiful wave!”
For more on Jeremy you can visit his Facebook page here: