The O Mouth
Brother got some down the line lazers. Photo: BadboyRyRy Miller
Two occasions when O mouthing is fine are a) pulling in at Backdoor and b) Anytime at all if your name has an Irish O' in it.
This aint my Welsh mate. He's never backhand bluetooth toobed on a 3'10" wearing a baseball cap with a moustache on his tits, as far as I know...
Weirdly, Zoolander is actually Curren's 2nd fave film of all time, after Back to School starring Rodney Dangerfield. Cuzza loves Rod D, more than he loves J-Bizzle. Photo: Miller
After an inspirational 300 yard noseride doing 'bored', wee Al got hit the inside section with 'So bored Im literally about to weep'
The O Mouth
We’ve all O Mouthed at some point.
Some more than others.
The trouble with the O is that it looks like you’re trying. O mouth is fine for ultra late air drops, for grinding kegs, but on 2ft off-the-side closeout snaps, not so much.
It somewhat reduces your rad.
If you’re pulling into the treacherous shallows of the Backdoor/OTW stretch, and/or your name happens to have the a capital O in it, you should try and O mouth all the time.