9. Chloe Chapman
Photo: @chloechapman
Photo: @sageerickson
Photo: @lauraloucrane
Photo: @lakeypeterson
Photo: @xococoho
Photo: @keliamoniz
Photo: @maliamanuel
Photo: @alessaquizon
Photo: @anastasiaashley
9. Chloe Chapman
There’s something about a beautiful woman on a surfboard. Hell, there’s something about a not beautiful woman on a surfboard, a certain je ne sais quoi that nudges said she-shredder a little further in the direction of the excellent range. Aware of this simple truth, the magazine Gentleman’s Quarterly, more commonly known as GQ, just compiled a list of “The Hottest Surfer Babes Killing It Right Now”. They’re all “epically, mind blowing-ly badass”, and not a one of them is south of an 8.33.
Chloe Chapman certainly ticks the beautiful box, but what about the surfing one? She was in fact a sponsored surfer in her younger years, but more recently has gravitated towards the modelling game. You’re more likely to be familiar with her now as the girlfriend of indefatigable jester Paul Fisher; she’s also the older sister of Cooper Chapman, who’s currently in the QS top twenty.