Lucia Martiño
Lucia Martiño
There are plenty of perfectly good reasons to visit the Spanish province of Asturias — the numerous empty beach breaks; a certain left-hand rivermouth; the warm hospitality of the local people; the vibrancy of the night-life; the continuous stream of cider poured from a great height by highly-skilled barmen, making it bubble deliciously upon impact with the tilted glass; the stunning natural beauty of the Picos de Europa — but Lucia Martiño is not one of them. Frankly, it would be borderline creepy to choose a holiday destination on the basis of an attractive woman you once saw on the internet living there.
It would be far more socially acceptable just to follow her on Instagram, @lucia_martino. Martiño, who comes from the delightful city of Gijón, is currently battling it out in the women’s Qualifying Series, and recently appeared in Australian mag Surfing Life.