1) What is your greatest fear?
Losing a close friend or family member.
2) What was your most embarrassing moment?
Pissing myself in the whole year assembly when I was 15.
3) Property aside, what’s the most expensive thing you’ve ever bought?
My hotel on wheels, worth every penny though.
4) Do you go to Indo purely to tan?
Getting bronzed is definitely a big part of life for me.
5) What’s the worst thing anyone has ever said to you?
I don’t think anyone has said anything that bad. I’m sure someone might have said, “Do you have small man’s syndrome?” at one point in my life. That is always a good one.
6) Who would play you in the film of your life?
Owen Wilson
7) Who are your celebrity parents?
Well I don’t know who I look like the most, but my mum and dad look identical to the parents of Meet the Fockers.
8) Who is the most attractive UK surfer and why?
Well after myself, it would be Joss Ash. He already models full time, and yeah if I was gay, I would definitely try and get in there.

9) To who would you most like to say sorry to and why?
I can’t say as it’s too dark, but I say sorry in my head every day.
10) Which living person do you most despise and why?
I don’t really despise anyone, I dislike a few people, but its pointless saying anything as it would just cause drama.
11) Who are your heroes?
My old man and my brother Dale (Sven) Robinson.
12) What has been your biggest disappointment?
The realisation that it’s impossible to make the WCT.

13) If you could go back in time where would you go?
I would go back to the hippy days, and rock out with flares on, taking drugs cause I thought it was cool and harmless.
14) When was the last time you had sex? How’d it go?
Hmmmm, with my girlfriend in the French Alps. it was pretty special as I wasn’t going to sea her for a few months, but I did have the shits, so that wasn’t great.
15) Tell us a joke.
What happened to the terrorist that tried to blow up the bus? He burnt his lips on the exhaust. Mwoahahhahaha
16) Tell us a secret.
I walked in to a strippers bar on my own in Paris once, just for a night cap. I honestly didn’t know it was a strip bar, until I had a booty shoved in my face. 10 mins later I went to pay for my g+t and the bill came to €100. My drink was 5 euros and hers was 95. I swear I said no when she asked me for a drink. It was all very very upsetting.
17) What song would you like played at your funeral?
Mark Knopfler, I think it’s called Shangr-La.
18) Where will you be in five years?
Probably where I am now, in Bali.
19) What piece of advice would you give your 15-year-self?
Don’t hold grudges and have such a personal opinions. Just live your life and don’t get involved with things you don’t need to.
20) Complete the sentence. If I ruled the world…
Hopefully try and make it a better place and have a smashing time in the process.
And lastly little clip of JR ripping some French beachies last year…