True, this tantalisingly short glimpse isn’t really giving much away, but it excites us nonetheless. The cast of Kai Neville’s forthcoming film is comprised of Creed McTaggart, Noa Deane, Craig Anderson, Dion Agius, Mitch Coleborn, Dane Reynolds, Jack Freestone, Chippa Wilson, Dillon Perillo, Brendon Gibbens, Conner Coffin and Ryan Callinan. If that list of names doesn’t stimulate your salivary glands I don’t know what will. We sat down for a chat with Kai in the last issue of Surf Europe, and this is what he had to say in response to the question: “Cluster… What’s the big idea?”
“I wanted to do something very different from the last three major surf films I’ve done – Modern Collective, Lost Atlas and Dear Suburbia – which were very location based. Everything up until then felt like it was really parts orientated. Back in the day, you know, you would kind of work on your part, because I worked on those projects with Taylor [Steel] and stuff, and we would work on the guys’ parts for two years and then edit a section. But I felt like the level of surfing jumped to a point where the sessions going down were good enough to showcase the sessions and not just the parts… And I did that for the last three films, almost to the point where I got burned out on it, you know what I mean? I started to see a lot of other similar movies, all session based. So I guess it was getting burned out on that vibe a little bit and then getting psyched on skate parts and parts in general about a year ago and I was like, ‘Fuck! It would be cool to try and like, bring that back.'”