‘Shaping your own’ is the new skinny jeans. It’s trendier than anything. Mick Fanning did it and got on the cover of the new Surfing World Mag in Oz on his own hand shape. I think Jane Reynolds might have done it a few times too and is probably in Stab riding his own ‘hand shape’. We couldn’t get hold of Jane or Mick as they were busy being amazing, famous and rad, but fortunately Jay ‘Bottle’ Thompson wasn’t, and so sent us his vid!
here’s what he had to say:
‘Hey Pauline Menczer, it’s Bottle here is the MP4 file for that shaping edit. Would be stoked if you could link it back to my site or plug it atleast. Ex oh ex oh cheers..’
Jay Bottle shapes his own board a Surfing video by surfeurope