Always wanted to be that guy or gal who’s luckier than a black cat and two magpie threesome?
What is luck exactly? Some people believe luck is the ability to attract money without really trying. Others think it’s more to do with avoiding bad luck. But whatever, here be SE & Sanuk’s guide to luck!
– Stepping in dog shit is unlucky, but believed to bring good luck. Now there’s a paradox.
– In France, always look down when walking, as roughly 95% of dog owners are still on poop scoop strike. When the government proposed making poop scoops compulsory by law by 2018, six million teenage students (who have never actually owned dogs) took to the streets of Paris and burned Citroens for 122 days in a row, lamenting that their great grandfathers had the right not to poop scoop, thus so should they. It’s estimated that the streets of Paris and Lyon alone carry four million dog’s eggs at any one time. Watch your step.
– Waking up early is a sure bet to good luck. Milkmen get up early and they get lucky all the time. It’s estimated that 17% of all unaccounted for DNA in Britain is milkman-related. If you regularly get up before 7am for no real reason other than you want to, you’ll be up to 22.5% luckier than if you slept in.
– Think positive. How lucky you’ve been can depend on how you evaluate the circumstances. Some men will stagger home from a nightclub alone thinking they didn’t get lucky, whereas others will trot home alone and triumphant thinking, ‘That’s lucky I didn’t smooch that girl with the moustache, halitosis and greasy forehead… phew!’
– Thank your lucky stars, even if with the benefit of hidsight. When I was 17, despite being white I thought I wanted to grow dreads. After a week of not washing my Barnet and twirling it in my greasy fingers, my dad threatened to thrash me if I didn’t use shampoo, and my boss at River Island menswear sacked me. That was lucky.