What else is new on Planet Lowey?
Im on Facebook! and soon to be on Instagram! That’s some heavy shit right there for a cave man. Never thought you’d see me fold, but it’s the way of the world man, what can I do? Apart from trying to get sponsors and learn how to market myself, I’ve been training heaps. Mainly runs and circuits, but some paddles and spearfishing to. I’ve sold everything I own to get a budget together to hit the next swell. And having some family and mates time in Cornwall for nearly two months. My longest stint for years. I lost connection with a lot of crew the past 5 years, so its been really nice to bring it back to the old days. Important to have the balance between man on a mission, and relax time.
I went to Ireland and dug some spuds with Ferg… you weren’t there. Will you garden a bit or are you scared of doing a hard days graft?
HAHA, classic. Did a few days so you think you’re the big man. Yeah I’ve put in my fair share of hours up there. But I just been doing my own thing. Going through surgery last year I had to change my life round again. Those lads just live and stay where they are. Ireland’s raw and cold in winter, it’s tough just to stop from getting run down and sick. So for that reason I’m not up there every day like the solid crew. But those lads don’t think about the stuff i do. They have amazing dreams for the projects over there, and I’m so behind them. If i could afford a house I’d buy one there, maybe then I’d spend more time with crew. But I’m a solo dude most the time. My minds on my goals and my dreams. I don’t have another chance at attacking these waves for long… 10 years max. If i worked up there and lived like Ferg I couldn’t be a pro surfer, simple as that. I don’t want to dig holes and build like I used to, it’s shit, I did it for 10 years.
The last four years ive surfed waves id never thought possible for me. I have the greatest respect for Ferg, but i could never imagine not chasing waves around the world. I’ll slow down when I’m older. This winter I was at Mavericks, Todos, Canaries, North East UK and Portugal over 6 months. In Ireland for 2 months… So yeah I’m a soft cock! HA HA!
Where’s next?
Fiji and Puerto Escondido are on the radar, just trying to tap what little sponsors I have for some cash for the trip. I check swells every few days, and being in touch with Rusty Long helps. If he says it’s on then I’m on the next flight. Next winter it’s Jaws for sure.
Boards are shaped, there big, bright pink and flipping massive! So no excuses!