13. The Moroccan
The post surf hacky sack was always a treat to be around.
This is a Kiwi outside his natural habitat ie. in New Zealand.
You may question Eugene Terreblanche's politics, but you can't question his incredible wax jobs.
No wonder they think the Superbank is so uncrowded.
Who would have thought that after all those years fraternising with crocodiles, Mick Dundee would ultimately succumb to a night-club bouncer’s right-hook.
Imagine getting dropped in by all these Brazil nuts at once. Terrible.
Eddie here grew up in Pennsylvania, where true Hawaiians come from.
Francois was enjoying his time in G-Land, and was glad he'd brought his full quiver with him
The Englishman couldn't decide to hit the world class right, or the world class left.
Not wanting to be Spanish is practically a national past time in Spain... and Portugal!
By 5pm, this Canarian booger was already due his daily body wax.
Maybe the Germans' state of the art wetsuits have been holding them back.
This guy's attempts to blend in with the locals didn't go so well...
Post surf, the Scandi pack reyhrdrated with some much needed juice.
The two Israeli lads' trip to Indo was a success.
Where good Italians go when they die: Pasta Point
13. The Moroccan
Like many a country blessed with incredible waves that have been pilfered by waves of invaders for over 40 years, the first move the Moroccan surfer learns is the drop-in. Ideally this drop-in will result in both surfers missing out on a certain tube. Over the years they have perfected that manoeuvre beyond all others with the right hand points providing the ideal canvas for this national surfing trademark. They also have a national competition for the drop-in, which is held every time Safi breaks. Goofyfooters, like disabled goats born to local shepherds, tend to be put down at birth.