Xcel Wetsuits has launched a redesigned, upgraded Surf section of its Web site.
To build site interactivity, all customers and Xcel dealers are invited to submit photographs and video clips to be posted in the Surf Gallery section. Xcel dealers are especially invited to submit their latest store happenings for posting under Recent News.
Better suited for engaging customers, Xcel has stepped up its site navigation, graphics, and functionality. Still in place is the online Dealer Finder tool, which allows customers around the world to simply log on and find their local Xcel distributor. Visitors will also have better access to the latest Xcel news, displayed on the Surf section main page.

“Xcel’s improved Web site is all about our customers, everywhere,” says Ed D’Ascoli, president and founder of Xcel. “We want people to interact with our products easily and accessibly – and to do that, our online presence must be top-notch. Redesigning our site, especially around Xcel’s Surf offering, is part of that strategy.”
The launch follows Xcel’s unprecedented success with its 2006 Xcel Pro Presented by No Fear Web site, which included a live Webcast and streaming contest results. Incredibly popular during the three-day competition, Xcel attracted local visitors and browsers from around the world – with visitors coming from six different continents.
To complement the enhanced Web site, Xcel is also launching its MySpace page as an additional resource at www.myspace.com/xcelwetsuits.