It seems the big wave revolution will be televised. Europe’s massive swell that has pounded all parts of the coast is producing XXL waves with Nazare predictably at the centre. Those ZON North Canyon peeps have been live streaming this morning’ session with Garrett Mac and company, and a couple of the waves already ridden must have claims to be the biggest waves ever ridden?

Elsewhere Spain’s Anthony Cruz were tackling mutant death slabs in Galicia. The photo below was put on Facebook with the comment “Heaviest wave ever recorded?”

On social media Cruz commented, “Heaviest surf in my life thanks To my brother ramon To take me out there today and always and axi for show me real big waves love u all ”
Belharra was also surfed this morning before the wind came up and could be watched on the webcam Add a monster session at Ireland’s Mully on Sunday 28th and we should start to see the images and clips soon of what might be a historical swell. Stay tuned to your screen kids, the revolution will be televised.