Nelson Mandela or Lord Admiral Horacio Nelson?
Nelson Mandela because he fought for so many years against apartheid and won, truly remarkable. We need more people like him on Earth…The other guy… never heard of him.
Boat trip:
My brother (Tom) because I like to hassle him always, Julian Wilson to watch his airs, Joan Duru to learn more about barrels and carves, John John Florence because he is the all round boss… I think I’ve got a pretty good crew there.
Galettes en Bretagne with my family because that’s where I am from.
Burritos in California in a little Mexican restaurant, love it.
Nasi Goreng in Bali (even if you get totally over it after two weeks on that diet)
A good magret de canard (duck) because it’s the best thing on Earth.
3 way with Sarko & Carla or Hollande & Valerie
With Sarko and Carla so I can improve my singing with her, and let the small guy watch from the corner (although I don’t really like her voice, but I am prepared to overlook that). If not though, Valerie can help me out with Twitter…
The band:
John Bonham on drums, Kurt Cobain on guitar and Antoine Allain on vocals, a good mate who lives in California… That’s my dream lineup.
I’ll probably qualify/win The Eddie/Innersection first…
Qualifying is obviously a dream for me and I will do my best to reach it, who knows when… The Eddie could take even longer, you really have to prove yourself in the big stuff… you can win Innersection being young…so maybe that one first… I just got to work on my surfing.
Impressive (in France this autumn)
Dane Reynolds is even more impressive than before, Mick Fanning for his commitment during a solid day during the Pro France, and Charly Martin in the European contingent, he’s my hero.
Read it:
Any of Olivier de Kersauson’s books (French sailor). He talks about the ocean in a certain way and respects it more than anything else. A sailor’s book but definitely interesting for surfers.
Beautiful, smart, cool, natural and also a surfer… actually not sure about that last point, is it a good thing if your misses surfs…?