Nothing heralds the official start of good times like the Surfilm Festibal, San Sebastian. Cunningly timed to land each year just after the solstice (pagans!) and also during major international football tournaments (hooligans!), it’s one of Europe’s… no fuck it – the world’s! – must-do surf events.

This year, the program is as stacked as ever. Some highlights:
The Accord. (Yet more Iceland… but still)
The More Things Change – Gerry Lopez (fuck yeah)
Brother, a short film on Bruce Irons (Love that guy)
Holding On and Dirty Old Wedge in a bodyboard session at the beach (Wave sliding bredren!)
Euskal Balearen Ehiza – a documentary on big wave surfing in the Basque Country (What’s not to love)
Chasing Zero, a live audiovisual performance by Chris McClean with live films & music (Yes!)