Parko has surfed into the 21st century app world, helping to creating a iphone app called Joel Parkinson Pro Surf Training. Now we are pretty sure Parko wasn’t the one providing the IT expertise, web interface consultancy and html coding. Nope he has teamed up with his training partner Wes Berg, one of world’s leading professional ironmen, to provide what is a pretty useful step-by-step guide to fitness and flexibility designed especially for surfers.
The app has video demonstrations of every exercise Joel and Wes do, including 30 different programs and more than 150 surfing-specific exercises, and also includes training programs that are specific for each of the 10 stops of the world tour. Very handy indeed, if you were thinking of ditching the day job and following the world tour fulltime in 2014.
Surf Europe asked Parko how it might work for say France. “Over the years we’ve tailored our training to suit different types of surfing,” Joel said. “Training these days is so much more than just beach runs and push-ups. And for France, which tends to involve more paddling and cardio, with all those rip bowls and changing banks, I’ll train very differently than say for Chopes. If you are lucky enough to live in France though, that section of the app should help all year round.”
Wes and Parko have worked together since 2009, and the app distills all that sweat and freaky swiss ball sessions into an easily to follow app. If you do all the different programs, you’ll probably be even ready to do the Molakai Paddle Race, like Parko did last year. Alternatively if you are too lazy to even roll a leg over in the morning, the app magazine feature also provides regularly updated new photos, videos and stories from Joel and Wes on tour.
The is available for download