Best thing you do when not surfing: Drumming in my band, Nylon Pool.
Best way to dread your hair if you’re white: Bee’s wax.
Best trip this year: Morocco, only a few days but with my mates Peter and Alex.
Best wave in Caribbean: Soup Bowl.
Best wave in Trinidad: Mt. Irvine.
Best thing about living in Trinidad: Women.
Best thing about being half English:Getting in the European mags.
Best wave ever: Asu, Indo, 4 years ago, longest barrel of my life.
Best party place: Place with the best music and best girls… Brazil.
Best Bob Marley song: Concrete Jungle.
Best Sizzla song: Healing of the Nation.
Best place to eat in Trinidad: Mum’s house.
Best place to go out in Trinidad: Club 51 in Port of Spain.
Best surfers in Caribbean: Alan Davis, Lewis St John, Mark Holder.
Best surfers in Europe: I’ve always rated Fred Robin.
Best cricketer of all time: Brian Lara.

Best footie match: T&T play-off against Bahrain in 06. Last minute goal by Dennis Lawrence took us to the World Cup in Germany.
Best thing about coming to Europe: Seeing boobies on the beach.
Best thing about France: See above.
Best thing about Spain: Tapas.
Best thing about UK: Mingers.
Best non-surf destination: Amsterdam.
Best pick up line: ‘Whoa whoa whoa, don’t get so close to me, back up.’
Best thing about being a surfer: Being free.
Best way to psych-up for heavy surf: Just go, don’t think about it. If you think too much you don’t go.
Best friends: Ones who are there when the shit hits the fan.
Best cars I’ve driven: 500SL Mercedes, Subaru WRX.
Best thing to say to the law when pulled over: ‘F-you, officer, it’s my turn now.’ Fear ‘n’ Loathing style.
Best surfboard you’ve ridden:Insight 6’0” x 18 1/4” pintail.
Best thing they’ll say when you’re dead: ‘He lived for the moment.’
Best thing about being a valet parker in Florida: You see a lot of flesh.
Best thing about Celine Dion: She tipped me $100 when I worked as above.
Best beer in Caribbean: Stag is a man’s beer.
Best pub in Cornwall: All of them, but I think the Dirty Horse is the name…
Best thing about riding for Insight: They keep it real and the surfboards are insane.